Custom fit harnesses for your pet. Walkabout Harnesses are commonly used on animals with arthritis, hip displasia , spinal trauma and general fatigue. Plus they help prevent back injury to pet owners from lifting pets improperly.
Walkabout Front End Harness
The Original Walkabout Front End Harness is a leg lift support and mobility aid that has been recommended by veterinary and rehabilitation specialists for o...
From $39.95
The Walkabout Harness Front and Rear Combination Harnesses
The Walkabout Combination Front and Back end harness used together is a great way to get your entire dog moving. Using the back and front harnesses in comb...
From $80.00
Airlift One Amputee Harness - Front End
Our front harnesses will keep your pet happy and mobile despite his or her injuries or age-related problems. Walkabout Front End Harnesses helps lift and s...
From $55.00
- All Walkabout™
- Amputee
- Arthritis
- Broken hip/dislocated hips
- Cancer care
- Cancer patients
- Degenerative myelopathy
- Dislocated femur
- Femoral Head Osteotomy (FHO)
- Fibrocartilaginous Embolism (FCE)
- Firbrocartilaginous embolism FCE
- Fractured pelvis
- General weakness due to disease
- Geriatric diseases
- Hip Dysplasia
- Intervertebral disc disease
- Interveterbral disc disease
- Neurological problems
- Paralysis
- Rehabilitation
- WALKABOUT® Assortment List